
特斯拉:全自动驾驶汽车明年底之前上路 | 金融时报 [E518]

2016-10-21 LearnAndRecord

Tesla powers up plan to put full self-driving cars on road



Tesla Motors
 plans to make its cars capable of fully autonomous driving by the end of next year, setting an aggressive deadline that could put it ahead of other carmakers in the race to put robot cars on the road.

特斯拉汽车(Tesla Motors)计划使其汽车最迟在明年底能够完全自主驾驶,从而设定一个咄咄逼人的截止日期,有望使该公司比其他汽车制造商更早推出能够上路的机器人汽车。

Elon Musk, chief executive, said on Wednesday that his company’s electric cars would be able to drive coast-to-coast in the US — “all the way from home in Los Angeles and dropping you in Times Square by the end of next year and then parking itself, without the need for a single touch”.

首席执行官埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)周三表示,他的公司的电动车将能够从美国的西海岸行驶到东海岸——“最迟在明年底,从洛杉矶的家,一路把你送到(纽约市)时代广场,然后自己泊车,不需要你碰任何东西”。

The news that the US electric car company is pushing ahead to full self-driving cars comes despite the death of a Tesla owner in a crash in the US earlier this year while his car was under its own control, using what the company calls “Autopilot” mode. Tesla also faces a lawsuit in China over a second death allegedly[据说;声称] linked to its current driver-assistance[辅助驾驶], though it has denied its technology was at fault.


The US fatality[(事故、战争、疾病等中的)死亡] had already led Tesla to revamp[1] its self-driving technology, giving more prominence to signals from its vehicles’ on-board radar systems[车载雷达系统] rather than relying so heavily on the front-facing camera[前置摄像头]. The accident followed the failure of the car’s camera to identify the side of a white truck against a bright sky.


On Wednesday, he criticised journalists for what he claimed was excessive media coverage[过多的媒体报道] of the US fatality. “If you effectively dissuade[2] people from buying autonomous vehicles, you’re killing people,” he warned. “Paucity[3] of media coverage of the 1.2m people who die each year in crashes does not reflect well on the media, it really doesn’t.”




[1]revamp:to change or arrange something again, in order to improve it 修改;改进We revamped the management system, but the business is doing no better than it was before.


[2]dissuade:to persuade someone not to do something 劝说(某人)不做某事,劝阻

I tried to dissuade her from leaving.


[3]paucity:the fact that there is too little of something 缺乏

There is a paucity of information on the ingredients of many cosmetics.








